Clay Pots, Earthenware

How are Clayware or Earthenware Cookware made?

How Clayware is Made

Clay is a natural product dug from the earth, which has decomposed from rock within the earth’s crust for millions of years. Decomposition occurs when water erodes the rock, breaks it down, and deposits them. It is important to note that a clay body is not the same thing as clay. Clay bodies are clay mixed with additives that give the clay different properties when worked and fired; thus clayware are not made from raw clay but a mixture of clay and other materials.

Clay may be modeled by hand or with the assistance of a potter’s wheel, or like more in our modern time with a Mould which give us the perfect shape for much of our Kitchenware.

The process of Clayware making:

  • Clay is first mixed with Water in huge tanks to even distribute water and form Slurry.

  • Slurry in next filter pressed to force out excess water, resulting in thick clay cakes.

  • These Clay cakes are chopped into pieces which also help in de-airing any pockets of air left in the process and finally made to smaller chunks to send it to the Moulding process.

  • Depending upon the Clayware the Clay is hand-made or made with help of Moulds to give desired shape. Each individual product differs as the process is completely depended upon individual working style and play of hands.

  • Once the desired shape is achieved they are set to dry and remove all the moisture.

  • If required they are now glazed or polished for aesthetic values.

  • Finally they are set on fire in Furnace which has high temperatures of upto 1,260° C. Such high temperature gives glass like coating to clayware.

  • These Clayware are sent for quality check and packing.

  • Finally what you get is a beautiful art of clay made from only Natural Materials for a sustainable Earth. No chemicals means healthier you!

Clayware Making process

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